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  • Terry Gronwall

Wednesday October 5, 2022 Honeoye Lake Water Quality Update

DEC Announces Large Scale Pilot Study to Control Phosphorous Impacts in Honeoye Lake - Virtual Public Information Session Scheduled for Sept. 27

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is holding a virtual public information session on Tuesday, Sept. 27, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. to update residents on a research project to control phosphorous in Honeoye Lake.

We will post a link to the Sept. 27th recorded DEC Virtual Public Information Session here just as soon as its available.

Full DEC Press Release available at:


Wednesday October 5, 2022 Honeoye Lake Water Quality Update

Around 4 PM this afternoon (Wednesday 10/5) we noticed a small, localized blue green algae bloom near our dock (See pictures below) on the West shore on the South Lake basin. Today was Sunny, warmer than it's been for a while, and relatively calm winds. Ideal conditions for a small near shore bloom. We would expect that there were probably other isolated near shore blooms late this afternoon, but none were reported to us.

Always use your own visual assessment before making contact with the lake water at this time of year as the blue-green algae situation can change daily if not hourly. Please regularly check the DEC HABs alert map for more detailed updates on Honeoye Lake HABs alerts:


Monday October 3, 2022 Honeoye Lake Water Quality Update

Surface Water Temperature: 62.6 F

Water Clarity: 8.3 Feet

Lake Level: 802.8 Feet above sea level

Lake Level Relative to Weir: -0.7 Feet

Observations: Monday (10/3/22), The water clarity increased 4.0 feet at 8.3 feet and the surface water temperature decreased -3.6 F to 62.6 F over the last week. The lake’s temperature and dissolved oxygen remains well mixed. The lake’s open water looked good today with only very light visible blue-green algae in the water column. The reduction in algae in the water column was responsible for the 4-foot increase in water clarity. We have about 10 volunteers who monitor their near shore areas for blooms and no blooms were reported to us over the last week.

Today we found the following blue-green algae species; Anabaena (Spring or coiled beads), Microcystis (Mass of small cells), Aphanizomenon (the Broad Leaf), and Aulacoseira (the long thin filaments) a diatom (picture to left):

The DEC recommends that you, your family, and pets avoid contact with water that contains blue-green algae like Anabaena, Microcystis, Aphanizomenon. Everyone should be very careful to watch for blue-green algae blooms for the next few weeks.

The lake remains isothermal (i.e., temperature and dissolved oxygen remains well mixed). Water temperature is plunging do the cold weather we have had over the last week. Since the dissolved oxygen was greater than 7.4 mg/L at the bottom no legacy phosphorus should be being released at this time. You can see this by the convergence of the temperature and dissolved oxygen graph lines for the various depths on the left. Surface water temperature was 62.6 F and bottom water temperature was 62.2 F. 1-meter equals 3.3 feet.

Always use your own visual assessment before making contact with the lake water at this time of year as the blue-green algae situation can change daily if not hourly. Please regularly check the DEC HABs alert map for more detailed updates on Honeoye Lake HABs alerts:



- Click on this link for the Winter 2022 HLWTF Newsletter:


- Click on this link to see the new HLWTF Honeoye Lake Watershed Storm Water Took Kit if you are planning any storm water projects on your property:

- Click on this link for "Honeoye Lake: 2021 State of the Lake article":

Final Aeration Engineering Planning Project Report, Public Information Meeting Presentation, and WebEx recording posted on the HLWTF web site:


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