Honeoye Lake Watershed Task Force
Volunteers through the Honeoye Lake Watershed Task Force help to monitor the lake conditions including testing for turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and water temperature. To learn more about the monitoring process, click here.


Honeoye Lake is a small Finger Lake with a surface area of 7.1 km2 and volume of 34 million m3, but does not provide public drinking water. The 2017 data suggests that Honeoye Lake remains eutrophic (highly productive). Major trophic state indicators were high for total phosphorus (0.036 mg/L) and for chlorophyll-a (22.2µg/L) and low for water clarity (Secchi disk depth of 1.7 m). Honeoye Lake has low levels of total nitrogen and NOX (0.73 and 0.01 mg/L, respectively). Lake productivity increased in August, then declined in mid-September with slight increase at the end of September. Honeoye experienced numerous harmful algal blooms in 2017 as reported by the Honeoye Lake Watershed Task Force, and these blooms have been well documented over much of the last decade. Using current chlorophyll-a as metric of lake quality, Honeoye’s water quality has declined since the 1990s.
Click here to go to the 2018 Finger Lakes Water Quality Report.