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Terry Gronwall

Ontario County Sheriff Office has issued a "No Wake Order" for Honeoye Lake as of April 13th, 2023

The lake level is currently about 2 feet above normal. The Sheriff's Office "No Wake Order" which recommends that boaters not go more than 5 MPH will minimize shoreline erosion until the lake level returns closer to normal.



Please click on this link for the Winter 2023 HLWTF Newsletter:


Very little ice cover on Honeoye Lake this winter:

Ice in Ice Out

12/25/22 1/4/23

1/16/23 1/18/23

1/31/23 2/15/23

Lake currently ice free on 4/5/23

Spring Crappie fishing season has already started!

Lake level is currently about 2 feet high due to spring rains. The high lake level is preventing many lake residents from being able to put their docks and boat hoists in the lake.


April FLCC Muller filed Station Events


New York Safe Boating Class Certificate will be required of all boaters on this schedule:

If born on or after: You will need boating safety certificate to operate motorized vessel in:

January 1, 1988 2022

January 1, 1983 2023

January 1, 1978 2024

All operators of motorized vessels, regardless of age, will need a boating safety certificate by January 1, 2025.

Click on the link below for more information and the schedule of local NYS Safe Boating classes:


Honeoye lake is included in the DEC's Big Panfish Study. Please click on the link below to read their Interim report:


DEC Announces Large Scale Pilot Study to Control Phosphorous Impacts in Honeoye Lake - Virtual Public Information Session was held on Sept. 27

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) held a virtual public information session on Tuesday, Sept. 27, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. to update residents on a research project to control phosphorous in Honeoye Lake.

Sept. 27th DEC Virtual Public Information Session presentation can be found on the link below:

The DEC Honeoye Lake Nutrient Inactivation Pilot Project Alum Treatment started on Tuesday November 1st and was completed on Friday November 18th. Now we are looking forward to seeing how much phosphorus reduction, algae reduction, and water clarity increase we get next summer as a result of the DEC’s Alum Treatment.

A few pictures that I took of the Alum Treatment Application barges are below:

Please visit the Honeoye DEC Project website for more information on the Honeoye Lake Nutrient Inactivation Project:



We will resume water quality reports in mid-May 2023.


- Click on this link to see the new HLWTF Honeoye Lake Watershed Storm Water Took Kit if you are planning any storm water projects on your property:


Click on the blue outlined box that says "Log in / Sign up" in the upper right-hand corner of this page to sign-up to be notified when we update our weekly Honeoye Lake water quality blog.


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